Reflections: 7th March 2023

Mar 7, 2023


Photo by Guilherme Stecanella on Unsplash

I can’t believe I held on to the belief that I am unlovable, ugly, and rather generally incompetent (and that I therefore cannot trust my own senses; and that I should play small) for that long; almost all my life up to this point. It is unhealthy to do so! If you are unconsciously doing so too, you better stop because it will indirectly impact your self-esteem, how you then move about in the world, the chances you take and the satisfaction you get out of life and then how you feel about yourself as a whole once more. But for me the good news is that although I may not be totally over it, I now know that this is actually something that exists in me which I have to acknowledge, contend, unlearn, and transform into something else that’s not as soul-killing.




All things life, spirituality, healing, psychotherapy, trauma-related, & mindfulness. Occasionally food & poetry.